Gaza: The French Democracy Practical Test

Bilal Zaiter
2 min readJan 6, 2024


While in Syria, one of the most oppressive regimes in the world, I can make a clear distinction between ordinary citizens and gouverment/regime; I can NOT do the same in France !! I am sorry, but this is supposed to be a demoracy! At least this is what I thought when I. first arrived ! But Seems to be not the case.

Here is the logic behind this perspective and i invite you to challenge it if you have other persoective and you enjoy. playing “confrontation for healthier growth”:

This is not a functioning democracy because:

  • Either the ruling elite in Franceis is NOT listening to citizens;
  • - Or citizens are not moving their asses, and not taking any action with any meaningful impact !!!! Not even through votting , sit-ins or civil disobedience.

The only way i am left with to keep my faith in l France as a democratic state where the gouvernent is really answering to citizens needs and demands and truly representing the state’s citizens would be to believe that French. citizens are saying YES to killing Palestinians and this is why the French government is supporting Israel!

You see the dilemma here?

You see why hundreds of millions of citizens around the world lost their faith in democracy? Maybe, partially because the concept has been hijacked, twisted and became a representation of ill-humanity!

We need to fix it before it is too late . And there is a way!

